The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania has several Awards which are bestowed upon members to recognize achievements within the craft. Whether you're a seasoned Mason or a newcomer seeking knowledge, inspiration, and tools for self-improvement, this resource is designed to support your journey.

Master Builder's Award
For newly-raised Masons, to be completed in the first year of membership.

Master Craftsman Award
For Masons who have been members for more than one year.

Master Pillar Award
The highest achievement possible, recipient must serve as an
elected officer and confer all three degrees.

The Master Builder's Award is for newly-raised Masons who embody the principles of Freemasonry and strive for excellence in craftsmanship, leadership, and personal development. Below you will find everything you need to achieve your Master Builder's Award and we will walk you through every step you need to take. Let’s start at the beginning.

Download and print out the Master Builder's Award Form by clicking the button below. You will use this document to track your journey and fulfill its requirements.

An applicant for the Award must complete all of the following:

1. Attend a Stated Meeting of your home Lodge.
This will be in your Lodge's monthly Notice.

2. Attend an Extra Meeting of your home Lodge.
This will be in your Lodge's monthly Notice.

3. Attend at least one meeting of another Lodge in the District.
Ask your Brethren if they are traveling and tag along. Or go to the Trestleboard and you can find all the meeting dates and times of Lodges in the District.

4. Serve as greeter for one of your Lodge’s Stated Meetings.
Your Worshipful Master or Mentor will help you with this.

5. Attend an Official Visitation of the District Deputy Grand Master.
You can find the official visitation schedule by reading the Two Way Street District newsletter, or by asking your Lodge Secretary for the schedule.

6. Attend at least one of your Lodge’s fellowship events.
These will be in your Lodge's monthly Notice.

7. Assist in a fundraising event held by your Lodge.
These will be in your Lodge's monthly Notice.

8. Completion of your Blue Lodge’s Mentor Program as required by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania’s Education Committee.
Login to the GrandView Education Portal and take all of the quizzes: Candidate, Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. You must pass all the quizzes. If you need help creating an online account, contact your Lodge Secretary.

9. Attend a youth group meeting within the District or Region.
Visit the web pages for Riverside DeMolay and Job's Daughters, Bethel No. 1 (York) or Bethel No. 12 (Gettysburg), for meeting dates and times.

10. Assist the Secretary by contacting members in danger of being Suspended and discuss with them what you believe to be the benefits of their Masonic membership.
Your Lodge Secretary is always willing to help you with this requirement, it also helps him by lightening his burden.
An applicant for the Award must complete three of the following:

1. Participate in a degree conferred by your Lodge.
Check your Lodge's monthly Notice for Extra Meetings when the degrees will be conferred. Ask your Worshipful Master about participating.

2. Be the first line signer on a petition for membership in your lodge.
This can be a tough one. Talk to friends and family members and see if they are interested in becoming a Mason.

3. Contact a brother who has not attended lodge in the last six months and invite him to accompany you to the next Stated Meeting (the Brother must accept and attend for these criteria to be completed).
Ask your Lodge Secretary for names and numbers of members that have not attended for a while. Sometimes a Brother just needs a kind word or an invite to bring him back to Lodge.

4. Assume responsibility for arranging a Masonic Education program for your Lodge.
This may be done by you or by someone else by your invitation with the Worshipful Master’s approval.

5. Attend a quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Check your Lodge Notice or ask your Secretary about the date and location of the next Grand Lodge Communication.

6. Attend either a Stated Meeting of the Pennsylvania Lodge of Research or the Academy of Masonic Knowledge.
Visit their websites for upcoming meeting dates and agendas.

It is not necessary to have your form initialed or signed for each Achievement, just the date that you completed each Achievement. You will sign the bottom, along with your Worshipful Master, and he will forward it to the District Deputy Grand Master for final approval.

If you have any questions concerning the Master Builder's Program or if you need help in any way reaching this wonderful achievement, please visit our 42nd District Master Builder's Facebook Page. Post your questions there and you will get answers; it will be monitored by Brothers from all over the 42nd District.

The Master Craftsman Award is aimed at those who have been Master Masons for more than one year. The program consists of educational and volunteer requirements that will help both the Lodge and the Brother grow. Download and print out the Award Form by clicking the button below to get started. You will use this document to track your journey and fulfill its requirements.

The Master Pillar Award is the highest achievement recognition possible. In addition to the requirements of the Master Craftsman award, a Master Pillar recipient must serve his Lodge as an elected officer and confer all three Masonic Degrees. Download and print out the Award Form by clicking the button below to get started. You will use this document to track your journey and fulfill its requirements.

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